Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Electrical Simple Checks that Saves Life.2 Many people expose themselves and their families to potentially fatal electrical accidents in the home by making simple blunders, down to a lack of knowledge about the dangers of electricity. However, there are a number of simple visual checks that you can carry out yourself: Check that you have RCD ( residual current device) in your fuse box. Make sure that your sockets and plugs are not overloaded. Ensure plugs and sockets are not damaged. Check that visible cables and leads are in good condition. Check that your light fittings are not visibly damaged and that down lights are in good working condition. Check that you are not storing combustible materials around your fuse box,electricity meter or electrical intake. Don't use top of you microwave or room heaters for extra storage. Never trail cables under the carpet. Watch trailing Cable in rooms and officers to ensure chair or table stands are not on them. Never take mains powered electrical items into the bathroom. Always switch off your electrical items when they are not in use. Consider having additional sockets installed if you regularly rely on extension leads and adaptors. Check regularly the following dangers signs.. - s smell of hot plastic or burning near an appliances or socket. - sparks or smoke coming from a plug or appliances. - arching sound from your change over should be scraped and greased ( by a good electrician) - Damaged or frayed leads. - Coloured wire inside leads showing at the plug or anywhere else. - Fuses that blow or circuit breakers that operate for no obvious reason. -Plugs and their wires can be damaged with use. Look for cracks or damage on the casing. Look for sign of overheating such as discolored casing or cable. Check that the plug cable is firmly clamped into the plug and no colored plug wires. are showing. By following these simple tips you can avoid overloading sockets and risk of fire.

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